Are you suffering from a break-up or fear the pain of one?

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    Jena Jake

    Coach, Speaker Author

    Who am I?

    I am so excited to meet you! I am a therapist, coach and host of Soul Streaker Podcast. Divorced mama of two amazing young ladies. One with Autism. I know that life is full of surprises. Some great and others well....not so great. That's where I come in. I will help you stay on the bright side of life. I am personal growth junkie, that knows how to make the sweetest lemonade from the biggest lemons. 🍋 One of the biggest areas where we are challenged is our relationships. Are you suffering in your relationship? Are you in a "tolerationship"? Do you feel alone, abandoned or frustrated? Are you afraid to leave the person cause you don't want to suffer the heartache and fear the unknown? The unknown can be scary. It doesn't mean we have to suffer.

    We can choose to stay in the light committed to love and peace. Our circumstances won't sway us. This can be done however, it takes practice. If you want to learn more join my email list today! Don't forget to listen to Soul Streaker Podcast.